Friday, 18 September 2015

Main 5 Reasons Why You Should Not Jump Into Marriage

1. Marriage Does Not Solve Problems

Many young couples seem to think that once they settle down and get married that all of their problems will disappear. Some people are unhappy or lonely being single and they jump into married life for the wrong reasons. But marriage alone will not make you happy, and it will not solve emotional, personal or sexual problems you may be going through. I highly encourage all couples, at whatever age, to heal themselves of any personal issues first before jumping into marriage. You will definitely be a more loving marriage partner because of it.

2. Marriage Is Not A Good Reason For Leaving Home

Some young women have this “hurry up, leave home and get married attitude” and I think it is because they have been
highly conditioned into believing that a man of their dreams is going to whisk them off into a Cinderella/Prince Charming situation and they will live happily forever. We can blame fairytales and TV for that. This notion is so NOT true. Some young ladies are in a hurry to get away from mom and dad so they can do what they want, but if you rush into marriage, you will regret it, just like many young couples have. Getting married is not a good reason to leave home. When you are young you are way better off being at home and under the protection of your parents.

3. Marriage Takes Total Teamwork

Everything in marriage takes team effort. Husband and wife each do their own part that keeps the marriage running smoothly, healthy and strong. In a healthy marriage, both husband and wife serve (love) one another. The wife doesn’t have the brunt of the responsibilities and neither does the husband. In a godly marriage the wife has her roles and responsibilities that she attends to and the husband has his. When couples adhere to their God-given roles not only do they compliment each other but also fulfill the needs of each other in the ways set out for them by God. 

4. Marriage Takes Absolute Commitment

You cannot get married thinking if it doesn’t work out you can get a divorce. With an attitude like that you will get a divorce.  Marriage takes total commitment from both husband and wife because marriage is designed for a lifetime. Submission is mutual commitment. This is how husband and wife submit to each other’s needs. Marriage is a service. If you aren’t up to sharing yourself for the rest of your life with someone, don’t get married. Commitment is love.  If you are not ready to forgive and show compassion then you are not ready for marriage.
Commitment is to know in your heart that once you are married there is no looking back. Don’t look back or the marriage may just turn into a pillar of salt. If you even start to look back, you will do things that are not in service to your spouse and the marriage will most likely end in divorce or be terribly unhappy. A committed heart always perseveres forward running the race set out for him or her.
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God promised to those who love him. (James 1:12 NIV)

5. Marriage Takes A Forgiving Attitude

Everyday you will need to forgive your spouse. This is why it is so important to understand what forgiveness really is. Forgiveness, like love and service, is commitment. Truly forgiving others the way Jesus has forgiven us, leads to complete wellness of mind and inner healing. This is why when we forgive others when they have hurt us, we feel so much better about ourselves. We understand a little bit more about the person that God created us to be. We can forgive others completely by knowing that God has forgiven us completely.
Complete forgiveness takes a new attitude and change of heart. Forgiveness is love!  God wants you to forgive and restore your relationship and love the person you have been blessed with. 
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32 NIV)

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