Monday, 18 February 2013

Marriage Tips: avoid yelling at each other.

Marriage Tips: avoid yelling at each other.

Your partner is likely to be the closest and most meaningful person in your life. Because of the closeness, partners will say things to each other that they would never say to anyone else on the planet. Quite often, I am amazed at the kind and amount of disparaging remarks and foul language that I witness in session.

While yelling and making negative remarks may bring forth temporary feelings of relief, they do immense damage. When you start ripping deep into the soul of your partner and wound them, there will be lasting scars. These scars will not be easily forgotten and will haunt the relationship.

Instead, talk to each other vowing to maintain respect at all times. Contrary to the popular adage, “sticks and stones break bones but words will never hurt me,” callous words can do innumerable damage to the spirit and the soul.

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